
Bottled Water or Water Purifier – Which one is better?

The word indispensable goes the most with water. We need water in all forms and drinking water is something on which living beings survive.

People have started opting for bottled water in order to get the purest form of drinking water. But, is it really so? Does bottled water give us a healthier and purer form of water?

We can figure this out with the help of certain points.

  • When you choose water purifier, the quality will not be compromised as you will get mineral enriched water; however, the same cannot be guaranteed for bottled water.
  • When you opt for bottled water, you will get a definite and fixed amount of water which you can put to control use. On the contrary, having water purifier entitles you to use as much water as you need.
  • There have been multiple instances when impure bottled water led to diseases like cholera, but no such reports were found for water obtained from water purifier.

Many recent studies have brought this to notice that there are various brands which are using untreated tap water as bottled water. It is the time we should think about opting for water purifiers which are undoubtedly the best and the right option.

In order to help you in getting a clear view of the cost involved in both these techniques, here is a comparison chart.

Bottled Water for a family of 4 persons Water Purifier
 Your monthly cost on bottled water would roughly come to around 1500 INR, spending 50 INR/ day. The cost of water purifiers ranges from 5000 INR and above.
Your yearly expenditure comes to 18000 INR which is way more than that of a water purifier. Newly purchased water purifiers usually come with 1 year warranty giving you 3 free services. You can get the candle replaced during these free services and any technical fault is covered under warranty.
Every year purchasing Bottled water is expensive (18000 INR) as it will cost you nearly 50 INR or more for 10 L of water. You get limited supply at a higher price. On an average, spending 3500 INR/AMC (Annual Maintenance Charge next year onwards) infers that you will spend 9.5 INR per day for an unlimited supply of pure water.

Water purifier is a perfect solution to drinking water issues so get it installed and save your family from health hazards.

Bottled Water Vs Water Purifier

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