Drinking correct volume of water will keep your Kidneys healthy and fit. 60 % to 70% of the human body is made up of water. There is need of water for each and every part of the human body. It’s the role of water to help the Kidney clean off the impurities of the blood in the form of urine secretion.

Kidneys and water

Water impact on Kidney Functioning:

Water also helps in keeping the blood vessels in open condition so that blood can travel to kidney without any trouble. In case your body is dehydrated then this function of blood travel to Kidney will get hampered. When the stage of dehydration is mild then there will be a feeling of tiredness and will affect the normal functioning of body. But, when the dehydration level is severe, it may affect the kidney functioning and may end fatal. So it is important to intake sufficient amount of water on daily basis after heavy workout and especially during the season of summer when humidity is high.

Water and 2 common problems related to Kidney:

2 major problems of kidney are:

  • kidney stone
  • Infection in urinary track.

These problems can create huge damage to the kidney. To recover from such condition proper hydration is must. Formation of stone in Kidney can be prohibited when there is sufficient volume of water present in body.

While taking water we need to make sure the water is well purified.  Buy water purifiers online or from your nearest store to get most purified mineral enriched water for your consumption.


Why Water is a necessity for your kidneys?

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