*A sunstroke can even result in death*

Drinking cold water into a  three glass placed on the wooden tab

Millions of people are dying across the regions of Delhi and Andhra Pradesh for being striken with sudden heat strokes.

Each one of us travels in the scorching summer heat. However, why only some of us are prone to death through these sudden sunstroke?

  • Our normal body temperature always remains in the standard range of 37-degree Celsius. All our organs perform properly only within these temperature parameters.  
  •   Throughout summers, we sweat a lot and this is how our body maintains this temperature range. During this phase, regular and frequent intake of water is very important.  
  •    Water is essential for various other functions in our body. If your water intake is less, the body automatically reduces the generation of sweat.
  •  When the temperature outside exceeds 45 degrees, and our body’s cooling system is not proper, then our body temperature reaches above 37 degrees.
  •  When this body heat reaches up to 42 degrees, our blood starts heating up, resulting in coagulation of our proteins in the blood stream (just like an egg gets cooked in boiled water).
  •  This leads to hardening of nerves and difficulty in basic functions, such as – breathing.
     The blood starts getting thicker due to deficiency of water, resulting in low blood pressure and blockage of blood supply to vital organs, such as the brain.
  • The affected individual then goes to a coma and each body organ gradually stops working one after the other. As a result, it leads to death. 
  •   One of the most simple methods to avoid such serious circumstances is regular intake of fresh water. We should also try to keep our body temperature within the range of 37 degree Celsius by all possible means.

The Equinox phenomenon shall affect several regions in Asia in the next 5-7 days.

Please try to remain indoors as much as possible between the hours of 12 PM and 3 PM

The temperature during these days shall vary in the range of 40 degrees

This effect is due to the sun hitting directly over the equator

Kindly prevent yourself and your dear ones from the deficiency of water intake

Under all conditions, try to drink minimum 3 litres of water every day. For the ones with kidney issues, it is vital to drink 6 to 8 litres of water daily.

Health Zone RO

Keep an eye on your blood pressure. Anyone can be a victim of heat stroke

Bathe with cold water. Try to minimise meat intake as much as possible

Eat maximum amounts of fruits and green vegetables

Heat wave is not a joke

If you keep an unused candle out in the heat and it melts, then you need to understand the seriousness of the situation.

Keep two half-full containers of water without top lids in order to keep your bedroom and other rooms effectively cool

Keep your hands and eyes moistened frequently

Delhi Heat Waves

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