The National Green tribunal (NGT) had banned polybags which is thinner than human hair, polybags are one of the basic reasons which clogs sewers, and it is one of the major pollutant which are responsible of cattle deaths.Ban on Polybags – a worthy step towards Green Delhi

They had set a new standard for the use of polybags. Any bag which is less than 50 microns is banned effectively. It might take some time to implement this new order of NGT.

Mostly the manufacturing of the polybags less than 50 microns is done by unregistered units. These units are unauthorized but to meet the competitive market they sell this deadly pollutant to get a few extra bucks.

Plastic waste have been one of the major source which causes environmental pollution. The polybags or plastic bags don’t decay naturally which can cause many issues.

Ban on Polybags – a worthy step towards Green Delhi

The choking drains, and water bodies is nothing, it can cause the land to be barren if dumbed in the land. Burning it might cause air pollution. So, there is almost no way to escape pollution by normal means the only method is recycling its waste properly. Even sometimes cows and other animals eat polybags which are thrown and can be the cause of their deaths.

Ban on Polybags – a worthy step towards Green Delhi      Ban on Polybags – a worthy step towards Green Delhi


The ban of polybags in Delhi will surely help the city to get rid of this hazardous pollutant which can even get inside human nasal passage through breathing. However, for polybags which are more than the standard limit will remain be used. The polybags should be recycled properly or made of organic decomposing material so it would be environment friendly.



Ban on Polybags – a worthy step towards Green Delhi